Intended to be an accessible guide to transformational information work, the book collects approximately thirty brief case studies of information related organizations, initiatives, and/or projects that focus on social justice related activities. Each case is a short narrative account of its particular subject’s history, objectives, accomplishments, and challenges faced. It also describes the material realities involved in the subjects’ day-to-day operation. Furthermore, cases include pertinent excerpts from interviews conducted with individuals directly involved with the information organization and will conclude with three-to-five bulleted takeaway points for information workers to consider when developing their own praxis
- Present useful guidance on transformative library and information science
- Gathers real-world case studies of library and information practice relating to social justice
- Gives takeaway points for readers to quickly apply in their own situation
- Provides inspiration for the development of progressive library and information practice
- Considers radical library and information science at a high level, offering recommendations for the future