The authors of VOYAGES IN WORLD HISTORY never forget that history is made up of the stories of people. Each chapter of the text centers on a story — a traveler?s account that highlights the book?s main theme, the constant movement of people, goods, and ideas. The travelers include merchants, poets, rulers, explorers, soldiers, missionaries, and scholars, and their voyages provide a framework for each chapter that will capture students? interest and draw them into the stories of the people, places, and events crucial to understanding world history. Special features highlight connections across chapters, societies, and periods, helping students understand historical events in a global context. Available in the following split options: VOYAGES IN WORLD HISTORY, Third Edition Complete, Volume 1: To 1600, and Volume 2: Since 1500.
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Voyages in World History, Volume 1 3rd Edition by Valerie Hansen; Ken Curtis and Publisher Cengage Learning. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781305856752, 1305856759. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781305583405, 130558340X.