This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Mathematics for Carpentry and the Construction Trades, Third Edition, offers a unique approach based on the authors? experience in building construction and applied education. Loaded with photographs and detailed drawings, the text illustrates the underlying mathematics in each step of the building process. The text?s problems, infused with the authors? real industry experience, provide students with relevant examples of problems they will face in the construction and carpentry trades. Problems include step-by-step summary explanations of their solutions with the necessary steps highlighted for easy identification. After giving students a solid foundation in math, the text then leads them through the steps of a construction project and applying the mathematical skills involved in completing the project.
Additional ISBNs
Mathematics for Carpentry and the Construction Trades Ebook
By: Alfred P. Webster; Kathryn E. Bright
Print ISBN: 9780135114001, 0135114004
eText ISBN: 9780133004816, 0133004813
Edition: 3rd
Copyright year: 2012
Format: PDF
Available from $ 34.99 USD
SKU: 9780133004816R180
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