Digital Photogrammetry A Practical Course 4th Edition by Wilfried Linder eBook
By: Wilfried Linder
Publisher: Springer
Print ISBN: 9783662504635, 3662504634
eText ISBN: 9783662504635, 3662504634
Edition: 4th
Copyright year: 2016
1.1 Basic idea and main task of photogrammetry If you want to measure the size of an object, let?s say the length, width and height of a house, then normally you will carry this out directly at the object. Now imagine that the house didn?t exist anymore ? it was destroyed, but some historic photos exist. Then, if you can determine the scale of the photos, it must be pos- ble to get the desired data. Of course you can use photos to get information about objects. This kind of ? formation is different: So, for example, you may receive qualitative data (the house seems to be old, the walls are coloured light yellow) from photo interpre- tion, or quantitative data like mentioned before (the house has a base size of 8 by 6 meters) from photo measurement, or information in addition to your background knowledge (the house has elements of the ?art nouveau? style, so may be c- th structed at the beginning of the 20 century), and so on.
Additional ISBNs
9783662504628, 3662504626