Building Codes for Existing and Historic Buildings 2nd Edition by Melvyn Green eBook
By: Melvyn Green
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons P&T
Print ISBN: 9780470195918, 0470195916
eText ISBN: 9780470950463, 0470950463
Edition: 2nd
Written for architects, engineers, and preservation professionals, this is the only comprehensive book to examine how the International Building Code and the The International Existing Building Code (IEBC) can be applied to historic buildings. For ease of use, the book is organized to parallel the IEBC itself. The first section would consist of an introduction, a discussion of code history and the reasoning behind specific regulations, and how codes are applied to existing buildings. The second would give a general guide to major building code issues: occupancy and use, type of construction, and heights and areas. The third section would be organized by building performance characteristics including: Fire and Life Safety, Structural Safety, Health and Hygiene, Accident Prevention, Accessibility, and Energy Conservation. A fourth section would include case study projects, as well as provide Building Analysis Worksheets for developing a code approach for an individual building. Worksheets could include forms for detailed comparison of building code requirements and existing conditions.