MAJOR PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE follows the highly successful Major Problems format. Each chapter comprises essays and documents that focus on a particular aspect of American popular culture. These essays and documents will prompt students to think about the centrality of popular culture in American life and its powerful role in forging identity, historical memory, and relationships among consumers, producers, citizens, and the state. They reinforce the idea that popular culture is the ground on which cultural and social transformations are worked. Race and class are at the center of the analysis, and these categories, along with gender and nationalism, thread through the chapters. They all argue for seeing popular audiences as active creators rather than passive receivers of popular culture.
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Major Problems in American Popular Culture 1st Edition by Kathleen Franz; Susan Smulyan and Publisher Cengage Learning. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781133417170, 1133417175. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780618474813, 0618474811.