Oil is one of the world?s most important commodities, but few people know how its extraction affects the residents of petroleum-producing regions. In the 1960s, the Texaco corporation discovered crude in the territory of Ecuador?s indigenous Cof?n nation. Within a decade, Ecuador had become a member of OPEC, and the Cof?n watched as their forests fell, their rivers ran black, and their bodies succumbed to new illnesses. In 1993, they became plaintiffs in a multibillion-dollar lawsuit that aims to compensate them for the losses they have suffered. Yet even in the midst of a tragic toxic disaster, the Cof?n have refused to be destroyed. While seeking reparations for oil?s assault on their lives, they remain committed to the survival of their language, culture, and rainforest homeland.Life in Oil presents the compelling, nuanced story of how the Cof?n manage to endure at the center of Ecuadorian petroleum extraction. Michael L. Cepek has lived and worked with Cof?n people for more than twenty years. In this highly accessible book, he goes well beyond popular and academic accounts of their suffering to share the largely unknown stories that Cof?n people themselves create-the ones they tell in their own language, in their own communities, and to one another and the few outsiders they know and trust. Their words reveal that life in oil is a form of slow, confusing violence for some of the earth?s most marginalized, yet resilient, inhabitants.
Life in Oil Edition by Michael L. Cepek and Publisher University Of Texas Press. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781477315101, 1477315101. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781477315071, 1477315071.